May 13, 2016

Keep your friends

Keep your friends

My journey for the truth started in the operating theatre, asking questions why, how, and at the time turning to the only thing that made sense before lifesaving surgery. A belief pattern that helped forge an understanding of existence, the quest for greater purpose, the vision of life as short and precious with the aim of only viewing the good in others, and when nothing positive could be found in someone, trying to understand them for my own learnings, praying that they utilise the next life for betterment. Should we ever seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce another human? I truly believe sabotaging another’s ability to be an astounding weakness. I feel the opening sentence, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, is often misinterpreted. Why do we have enemies to begin with? We seem to fabricate enemies in order to maintain a stable and coherent clear view of the world. Attributing the negatives we experience to others and expending energy on something that gives us the illusion that our life has meaning. Reflecting back on the moments before surgery, I was set on seeking revenge for how I ended up there and it was many moons from this point until I understood that any form of vengeance was a waste of my most precious resource – TIME. And it was being spent on someone I despise. I asked myself, would they be thinking of me every second of the day like I was of them, conjuring plans based on visceral and emotional reactions? Probably not. It is likely they haven’t wasted a single thought on me since. So, who exactly was I impacting on my quest for retribution? I will leave that to the reader.
I resonate with the karmic laws of cause and effect, even if science prohibits my agreeance with all of it. I find it an illusion and a beautiful one at it, so I intend to cherish it. The beliefs that my own good actions allow for more goodness to enter my life, that I notably no longer have to give a fuck about anyone, and that I can still watch as the vehement profligates in my life inevitably become the persecuted are my precious fundamentals. So, when you find yourself in times of trouble, the Beatles were very close to nailing it. Brown Jesus comes to me speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be (and only keep your friends close, enemies are a waste of time).

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