June 13, 2016

Sinning in superior company

Sinning in superior company

Sinning in Superior Company
Rules to Sin and Win

Rule 1 and only rule – Sin with the soul tribe.
Easier said than done. Time and effort has to be spent on identifying and vibing with organic adjunct company.
Inferior company can at the very least cause minor havoc and at it’s worst – mental breakdowns.
Never trust women who dim your light or a guy who love bombs you. Men keep your wallets and heads intact, no sin is worth losing either.
Sinning could lead to dependency and a good crew can whip you back in place.
Bad judgement can lead to many a conundrum such as character assassination and lovely smear campaigns. While all these are good tests of character and give strength,clarity ,wisdom, they could lead to anxiety and believe it or not PTSD.
So don’t be a twit, man or woman , choose your tribe carefully, sin in moderation and sin in superior company.
Now if u have been a bit of an ass, and have sinned with psychopaths or sociopaths in the past and left them behind , then be prepared for a pile of horseshit peppered with a good dose of cowpat thrown your way, that is the boat I am sailing in. And when this happens, just remember wise words, the lord and fellow disciples.
Dodge , Deflect and move on but don’t get caught in excessive sinning or a complete inability to let your hair down.

The conclusion:
Some sinning is good for the soul.
As BJ says SRRR
I would add a disclaimer to that – Sin in good company, Win in life.