May 13, 2016

Case for human humility

Case for human humility

Part 1
Praise be to our lord and deity the real Brown Jesus, this is an epistle of our foundational belief in the stupidity of mankind that BJ has so kindly revealed through his prophet FW.
TL;DR – humans and predators share a lot in common, humans just think they are intelligent and compassionate, they might just be stupid?

Growing up on the savanna (not in cities like most Africans) I was witness to some realities of the natural
order that do not reconcile with our own perceptions. We tend to separate ourselves from nature and view
the natural world as barbaric; we assume the actors lack intelligence, ethics and sentience. A good example is one time a pride of lions attacked a den with wild dogs and managed to kill a single puppy; in my
head this was a senseless, barbaric and cruel act.

The life of a predator on the savanna is quite simple. It is not far different from that of a modern human, it
revolves around economics. Economics defined as “the study of decision-making and choices, and how
scarcity and competition lead people to behave” replace people with living organisms.

1. Predators need shelter somewhere to hide from the elements and defend their in group members and
possessions; their possessions mainly consist of food which is the only thing of value they can acquire: Wealth.
2. They need a thriving food web so that the animals they consume are available: Opportunity.
3. They need a territory they control that is large enough to have enough prey animals: Means of Production.

The means of production creates opportunity that they can capitalize on and acquire wealth they deem valuable to their survival. For a predator defending existing territory, eliminating competition within it’s territory, organizing and mounting raids to acquire more strategically valuable territory is their version of work. Hard work is highly valued in their society and is a sure way to rise up the hierarchy and acquire
privileges only available to a select few. The lions killing the pup were simply exercising their economic
imperatives and working hard the same way as we do. Most would imagine the 21st century version of a
homo sapien (sapien being Latin for wise, sensible, judicious) of course being wise, sensible, judicious,
ethical and learned shares nothing in common with an unintelligent predator on the savanna and would
never take out the progeny of it’s economic rivals. Obviously because we are so advanced in our intellect,
insight, education and ethics we can see there is enough to go around for everyone and nothing justifies
such barbaric behavior. Under this premise I would like explanations for some global conflicts we see raging in 21st century propagated by coalitions of our “preeminent” civilizations:
1. Palestinian Israeli conflict
3. Afghanistan, Libya and Syria
